O firmie


Hi! This is Małgorzata and Paweł. We have been distributing organic products for over 10 years. Our company: Eco Dystrybutor Sp. z o. o. from 2023 became the official distributor of the Indus Valley and Mina brands in Europe. Thanks to this, you can be a distributor in your country without having to order container quantities of wonderful paints, hennas and cosmetics from India.

We have known the Indus Valley brand very well since 2018 and we are achieving increasing success with it in Poland. We want to achieve the same success with your company in your country.

We encourage you to contact us and register. It doesn't matter whether you are a large distributor or a small start-up store. You can buy great Indus Valley and Mina products from us. We can meet online to present the offer.

You can trust us, we are a reliable company with many references and extensive experience in the Bio and Beauty market in Europe.

Zachęcamy Cię do kontaktu i rejestracji. Nie ważne czy jesteś dużym dystrybutorem czy małym początkującym sklepem. Możesz od nas kupować wspaniałe produkty Indus Valley i Mina. Możemy się spotkać Online by przedstawić Ci produkty. 

Napisz do nas: info@biobe.eu

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